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Why would I choose photo etching to manufacture metal busbars?

Photochemical etching also referred to as photo etching, chemical etching or chemical milling stands out as An ideal budget manufacturing technique, for crafting intricate metal components such as busbars. Here’s why it might catch your attention;

Precision; Photo etching delivers precision and accuracy enabling the creation of designs with meticulous tolerances. This is crucial for busbars that often feature geometries and exact requirements.

Complexity; Unlike machining, that rely on tools such as drills or cutters photo etching uses chemical processes to selectively remove material from metal sheets. This makes it perfect for producing shapes and patterns without the need for tooling.

Cost effectiveness; While the initial setup expenses for photo etching may be higher compared to some manufacturing methods from some suppliers due to artwork costs, to negate this barrier Qualitetch offers free of charge artwork to ensure our process remains cost effective for high precision low to medium volume production runs. Once the tooling is set up any subsequent runs would to be relatively affordable.

Material Compatibility; Photo etching works well with metals like copper, brass, aluminium and stainless steel – metals commonly used in busbars due, to their electrical conductivity and mechanical properties.

Quick Turnaround; The process of photo etching is known to be quicker, than machining methods resulting in production timelines from design to final parts. This speed advantage proves beneficial for meeting deadlines and adapting swiftly to design modifications or revision changes.

Smooth Edges and Low Stress; In contrast to machining techniques photo etching creates components with burr free edges and minimal internal tensions. This feature holds significance for busbars, where any roughness or stress spots could impact their efficiency and dependability.

Tailored Solutions; Photo etching enables customization and refinement of designs without extra expenses. This adaptability proves advantageous for busbar applications, where adjusting designs may be crucial to fulfil spatial criteria.

In essence the technique of chemical etching delivers a blend of accuracy, adaptability and cost efficiency that makes it ideal, for producing metal busbars. The process particularly shines in applications requiring designs and top quality precision finishes or features such as meshes that would be particularly expensive to machine by other processes.