Another instalment in our blog series about the metals we use here at Qualitetch, and, this time, we are looking at Silver. We use it as a high-quality finish for many parts and components, but the precious metal has been used for years for a variety of uses such as jewellery and tableware right through to dentistry and photography.
Getting to know Silver
- Silver can be described as a soft metal, allowing for it to be shaped and re-shaped
- Silver is a good conductor of electricity
- What is the difference between Silver and Sterling Silver? The latter is the name given to an alloy that must be at least 92.5% silver by weight. The remaining 7.5% is made up of other metals, often including copper
- It is often cited that there is no word in the English language that rhymes with ”˜orange‘. However, ”˜silver‘ is also on the list of words that is almost impossible to rhyme with. While it is thought that there may be some words suitable for the task, they are rarely used in the modern day English language
- As with many metals on the market, the cost of silver has varied over the last century, climbing where the demand has increased and then plummeting when a large deposit is discovered
- Silver is incredibly shiny. It is, in fact, the most reflective element that makes it useful in mirrors, telescopes, microscopes and solar cells. Polished silver has the ability to reflect up to 95% of the visible light spectrum – wow!
- Silver in itself is not toxic to humans. In fact, as well as its use in many items of jewellery, you may have seen it also used as a food decoration. However, most silver salts are toxic when ingested. Silver itself has germicidal properties, meaning it kills bacteria and other lower organisms that might be harmful.
- A single grain of silver (~65 mg) can be pressed into a sheet 150 times thinner than the average sheet of printing paper. Imagine writing on silver instead of paper!
We are sure that there are many other fun facts out there about silver, but our point has been made. Not only is silver one of the most common precious metals on earth that we treasure in the form of jewellery and even cutlery, but it can be transformed into components and parts, too – a very adaptable metal, all in all.
For all your plating or finishing needs, visit our website or get in touch with our team to discuss your requirements.